Improved powder fluidity course

This week we have made several changes and additions to content of our powder fluidity course.

Test equipment for powder fluidity measurement

Powder Fluidity measurement

This reference course is intended for professionals within the coating industry and learn them how to measure the fluidity of powder enamel and/or powder paint, test equipment being used, applicable standards and how to evaluate the test results.

See more…

Mind the (future) skills gap

Mind the skills gap

The “war on talent” and related skills gap are a serious mid-term risk for most industrial companies in developed countries according to BNR, the Dutch business radiostation.

For this reason it is highly recommended to improve HR retention rates and provide continuous education to your workforce.

DTC’s Education & Certification platform might assist you with this second objective.

Assessments explained

In order to determine the appropriate online training (level), we have created so-called “prior knowledge assessments”.

During the course, quizzes will be regularly used to verify the absorption of lessons and/or topics.

Once an e-learning course have been completed, we conduct a “final assessment” and may optionally certify “succesfull completion” of the course.

Managing competencies

According to wiki “Competencies are particular qualities that are desirable for employees to possess.”

In the article below we will discuss why competencies are important within the finishing industry and how you may manage them.


Industrial finishing processes are relative complex with many variables & influences, which may all affect the ultimate coating result.

First class capital equipment, in-depth process & equipment knowledge and various practical skills are therefore required to operate an industrial coating plant successfully.

The necessary competencies are typically acquired over a long period thru a combination of education, practical training & hands-on experience.


Unfortunately only a small part of this know-how is truly embedded with an organization.

A lot of expertise is simply in the heads of individual employees and not in the manuals, which by the way are often not easily accessible at the work floor.

In consequence most companies loose valuable process and/or equipment know-how in the event key personnel leave voluntarily or because of other reasons.


It is definitely not easy to acquire, maintain & manage know-how and improve & record competencies of all your personnel in this fast changing world.

A structured method for capturing, developing, deploying & documenting core competencies is therefore essential for every professional organization.

There are nowadays many knowledge management tools available, but such IT systems are typically focuses on capturing information and are relative weak in dissemination.


An interesting alternative solution is the use of a so-called Learning Management System, as shown at

This state of the art online platform is designed to assess competencies, identify eventual knowledge gaps, share (in-house) knowledge by means of highly effective e-learning courses, measure employee’s training progress and last-but-not-least document acquired skills.

DTC’s education & certification platform is feature-rich and prepared to host also (private) e-learning courses for third parties, which lack the scale, internal capacity and/or knowledge to set-up such LMS.

Click here for an overview of available courses or contact us for more info.


Welcome to DTC’s Education & Certification platform for the professional coating industry !

With this advanced LMS, which is build on top of WordPress, we facilitate online training courses on various topics related the powder coating & enameling industry.

Some simple courses are made for demonstration purposes and are therefore free-of-charge.

Upon request, we may also develop corporate online training programs based on your competency framework.

Last but not least we may provide in-house training at your premises.

Please feel free to contact us for information and/or assistance.